6 POWERFUL Bible Verses on Health and Healing
Written by Johnoy Fowles, Lifestyle Educator, Medical Missionary, ND Candidate Jesus began His work by breaking Satan's power over the suffering. He restored the sick to health, gave sight to the blind, and healed the lame, causing them to leap for joy and to glorify God. He restored to health those who had been infirm and bound by Satan's cruel power many years. With gracious words He comforted the weak, the trembling, and the desponding. The feeble, suffering ones whom Satan held in triumph, Jesus wrenched from his grasp, bringing to them soundness of body and great joy and happiness... The life of Christ was filled with words and acts of benevolence, sympathy, and love. He was ever attentive to listen to and relieve the woes of those who came to Him. [1] photo by aaron burden Here are 6 Powerful Bible verses on health and healing that will help you get through your illness: 1. FOLLOW GOD'S PRINCIPLES in moral & physical health and He promises to heal. "If thou ...