Homeostasis & Disease
Johnoy Fowles, Lifestyle Educator Medical Missionary, ND Candidate.
Homeostasis equals right conditions in the body. And right conditions in the body is synonymous with balance. Therefore, homeostasis refers to balance or equilibrium in the internal environment of the human organism.
"The human body would not be able to function efficiently if there is a prolonged imbalance in the internal physical conditions and chemical composition...variables such as body temperature, pH, sodium level, potassium level, calcium level, and blood sugar level have to be kept within the homeostatic range."(1)
Therefore, we can deduce that inefficient functioning comes about when there is prolonged imbalance in the human body. And if inefficient functioning is due to that, then this is called Dis-ease.
Ellen G White puts it this way, "Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health." (2) Violation of What?? You mean there are laws that govern health?? Are you referring to the body's prescribed range of normal function known as the homeostatic range? I sure am! Our Creator carefully designed the body and set laws in it so it runs well. A prolonged violation of these laws result in consequences we would rather not want to face. For example, if the blood pressure becomes too high, it can damage blood vessel walls and if it becomes too low there would not be enough blood pressure to circulate blood throughout the body. So it has to stay within the range God designed it to be - less than 120/80 mmHg. Daily consumption of excess salt will result in prolonged elevated blood pressure which is then classified as hypertension (High Blood Pressure).
"Disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism...A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state...The normal state of an organism represents a condition of delicate physiological balance, or homeostasis..." (3)
For discussion:
•What are some of the homeostatic responses that are carried out by the human body?
•What are some things that we can do to maintain equilibrium in the body?
•What are the spiritual implications/parallels?
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(1) Biology Online, Homeostasis, www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/Homeostasis
(2) Counsels on Health, Avoid the use of poisonous drugs, p. 90
(3) Burrows, William and Scarpelli, Dante G.. "disease". Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Aug. 2022, https://www.britannica.com/science/disease. Accessed 7 December 2022.
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