10 Commandments against Cancer

Adapted from the book 250 Recipes that Prevent and Cure.

In 1995, the European Cancer Socialist's Commission published the European code against Cancer, which was later popularized as the "European Decalogue against Cancer." Following is a summarised version.

1. Do not Smoke; if you do, stop doing so as soon as possible, and do not smoke in the presence of others. 

2. Increase your daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat grains with a high fiber content often.

3. Avoid excessive sun exposure and sunburns, especially for children.

4. See a doctor if you notice a lump; a sore that does not heal (including inside the mouth); a mole that changes shape, size, or color; or any abnormal bleeding. 

5. Strictly obey regulations aimed at preventing any kind of exposure to cancer-causing substances.

6. If you drink alcohol, whether beer, wine, or spirits, reduce your consumption to a minimum. (Ps. I recommend avoiding it completely*)

7. See a doctor concerning persistent problems such as a permanent cough or hoarseness, change in bowel habits, urinary changes, or unusual weight loss.

8. Avoid being overweight, exercise more, and limit your intake of foods rich in fats. 

9. Examine your breast regularly. If you have turned fifty, take part in programs for early detection of beast cancer.

10. Have regular Pap smears. Participate in organized screen programs for detecting cervical Cancer. 

Let us overcome!

For a copy of the book 250 Recipes that Prevent & Cure click here

Don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel with very indept information on health and wellness. 

https://youtu.be/9E3Bm36Exkc - 8 Tips to maintaining a vegetarian diet

https://youtu.be/ru7op151_ao - Food Security & The Original Model


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